Flood Experienced in My Hometown

As we all aware, nature is the biggest resources for human survival. It contains a lot of benefit for human to use. From tiniest sand to the biggest sun. All of it are beneficial and important for human to do their daily routine. For example, we need oxygen to breath. We can get oxygen from plants or tree as a result from photosynthesis. Photosynthesis requires water and carbon dioxide. This shows how we need each other for survival. Human have to develop friendly co-existence with the nature.

As someone who lives near forest, in a village, my family have experienced flood. It happen when I was 10 years old. The water level was almost on my chest if I was not carried by my brother. It was terrifying as it was my first time. I wonder how does the flood happen. The nonstop rain might contribute a lot to the natural disaster but could it be something else? I dig some information when I grew older as it peaks my curiosity.

I've read some article and news about illegal logging. Illegal logging is a serious crime. It causes a lot of natural disaster. Deforestation is a common impact of it. This all happen because of some greedy companies who wants to reap of massive profits from the nature. Their acts might profited them in term of money, but it harm the ecosystem. 

Forest is habitat for many species of flora and fauna. Every species has their own function in the ecosystem. A diversity of species increases the ability of ecosystems to do things like hold soils together, maintain soil fertility, deliver clean water to streams and rivers, cycle nutrients and pollinate plants. If all of these are destroyed, for sure it will damage the site. Landslide, soil erosion, flood, silted up river are what people are dealing with because of illegal logging. 

The flood has affected us in many ways. Many items were damaged and could not be saved. One of our car was badly damaged. It could not function and has to be repair. Cost.

After the incident, we have built a wall at the back of our house. It is to prevent the water from the river to spill. This shows that house planning is important as well. If you are living in a high risk area, do consider planning for your house structure to prevent any loss or damage. It might be costly at first, but it is for a long term investment.

To wrap it up, I have learn many things from my own experience. Those affected are not just numbers, but lives. I am here to make people realize the seriousness of this issue. It is not something that can be taken lightly, especially when it threaten our environment and safety. All lives matter and should be taken care of.
