Usrah in Action 2

 Community Service:

Kampung Sungai Pusu

Usrah in Action 1 and 2 took us a whole year of studies to complete it. We are able to grow with the course as it is not like any other subject in which we only learn for our own benefit in the meantime. But, with Usrah in Action, we get to execute the program by ourselves with the help of our instructor, Ketua Kampung and Imam of Kampung Sungai Pusu mosque.

Phase 1: Data Gathering (Usrah in Action 1)

During Phase 1, each member is required to gather information from the villagers. It is to analyze the lifestyle. My group went to some houses at Kampung Sungai Pusu to personally interview our respondents. This helps us to practice our communication skills. 

To be able to connect better with the villagers, my group has attended Yasin recitation after the Maghrib prayer. It was great to experience the small events or ibadah as we notice there were not only elderly presents but also teenagers and kids.

Phase 2: Program Proposal (Usrah in Action 1)

After we have collected the data individually, we make a report and conclusion by groups. The overall conclusion is drawn by comparing all data from all groups in our section. Thus, we have proposed several programs that will have a contribution to the villagers. It is very important to have great teamwork and tolerance during the meeting. It is to ensure everyone agreed on said program. 

Then, MKitchen Section 17 had presented our proposed program during Symposium Usrah in Action 1. During the program, each member took part in handling the booth. 

Picture taken during Symposium Usrah in Action 1

Phase 3: Program Execution (Usrah in Action 2)

Before the program starts, we have divided team among ourself which are sponsorship, preparation and technical, publication and promotion. I was in publication and promotion. It feels great to be able to contribute during the program.

During the program, there were two sessions which are morning and evening session. The morning session prepared the raw materials and cooked while the evening session did the packing and distributing process. It really felt like a team though I only were there for evening session. With the help of some villagers with the recipe and guidance, we were able to distribute all the bubur lambuk.
Bubur Lambuk Program

Phase 4: Post-Program (Usrah in Action 2)

After all the hardwork paid off after we have presented our final report during Symposium Usrah in Action 2. It is such a great journey with the team.
Symposium Usrah in Action 2
