Help Our Children to Save New Talents!

The total number of children who have been affected by drugs is highly worrying.  Drug is actually something beneficial when it is consumed with the right amount and under supervision of a specialist doctor. People, however, have abused the use of drugs. What makes it much more troublesome is that many teens have been influenced by it as well. Teenagers are well-known for their insatiable curiosity. They tend to do what their peers do in order to fit in and be trendy. Those who are unable to think properly are dragging themselves into dangerous situations.

I've researched the effects of drug addiction, particularly on children. Growing children's health will be threatened as a consequence of this drug. Excessive and uncontrolled use will disrupt the developmental process. The most alarming issue is the destruction to brain cells. How can individuals survive with a brain that doesn't work properly? It hinders people unable to make decisions. If a large number of children are killed by this substance, it will undoubtedly harm our society. These teenagers represent the hope of the country. They have the potential to be future leaders and talents. Thus, we as a society must work together to prevent this.

These are some solutions I am suggesting:

For parents,
  1. they must be aware of their children well-being. They should sense if anything is weird with their child. This is a prevention method.
  2. they have to be a little busy body and know who is their child befriend of. The child's surrounding is important as youngster is easily influenced.
For society,
  1. make report when they found any suspicious place that can be place for illegal drug smuggling. It is to help the authoritative done their responsibility.
For legislative,
  1. strengthen the law for drug pusher for most countries. Put severe punishment like what China, Malaysia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam and Singapore have done by sentencing them to death. This is because the drug pushers are not only harming themselves, but others who has been influenced as well. Buying the substance may the consumer fault, but providing such dangerous thing is serious offend.

To wrap it up, I have many things while studying this issue. I am here to make people realize the seriousness of this issue. It is not something that can be taken lightly, especially when it threaten our future. Everyone deserves to be healthy and be taken care of.
